Provide string data and scan it using the specified policy UUID to uncover sensitive information. If a violation is detected, it will return a list of findings. If no findings are detected, it will return "message": "no violation found".
Required attributes
The policy UUID you want to use for the scan. Currently, only one policy is allowed.
The message you want to scan.
POST /api/v1/scan HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {token}
"policy": {
"uuid": "{policy}"
"payload": "{message}"
In this example, a policy with UUID ba8c9752-7c35-4e99-a628-3c942d268fc2
and a configured IBAN detection rule will detect IBANs in a payload. The payload message we use for this example is Please transfer the amount of 100 € from CH9305881020624751001 to GB82WEST12345698765432. Thank you.
Provide string data and scan it using the specified policy UUID to uncover sensitive information. If a violation is detected, it will return a list of findings. If no findings are detected, it will return "message": "no violation found".
POST /api/v1/scan HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {token}
"policy": {
"uuid": "ba8c9752-7c35-4e99-a628-3c942d268fc2"
"payload": "Please transfer the amount of 100 € from CH9305881020624751001 to GB82WEST12345698765432. Thank you."
In this message, the example policy detected two IBANs as findings and created one violation for this.
"uuid": "5eea645f-71c7-4ea2-b655-baf3b0100c36",
"findings": [
"id": "b13004e7-1c89-4cd9-8b8e-7fa9dd17b119",
"beforeContext": "Please transfer the amount of 100 € from",
"finding": "CH9305881020624751001",
"afterContext": "to",
"redactedFinding": "<iban>",
"detectorId": "12e654a5-cafd-459d-8941-bfa00fa76d8e",
"detectorName": "IBAN code",
"confidence": 3,
"id": "d9ac8e94-82ef-4566-94f2-e643e2ba7bc1",
"finding": "GB82WEST12345698765432",
"afterContext": ". Thank you.",
"redactedFinding": "<iban>",
"detectorId": "12e654a5-cafd-459d-8941-bfa00fa76d8e",
"detectorName": "IBAN code",
"confidence": 3,